Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baking and Frisbee

    Two zucchini bread loaves and a batch of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies later, it was past 11pm and I found myself wondering why I was still awake. I guess I figured with Mike being out of town this week & with more time on my hands in the evening- I'd bake for our weekend trip to the coast. 
  I also managed to make it out to Ultimate Frisbee. I had gone to the chiropractor that afternoon and was "put back in place" (bye bye headache!), but then found myself on my knees with a grass stain accross my leg after some guy was "going for the frisbee" and he "didn't see me" and knocked me straight on the ground! Oh well, the poor guy felt bad and quickly had me back on my feet before I really even realized I was even on the ground. Here's a pic of us after the game looking rather neon Easter-y.


  The air is on for the first time this week, the clothes are making that "drying, button-hitting-the-sides-of-metal-dryer-sound", and I'm looking forward to sharing the Cal King bed again- its much too big for just one ;)  Happy Friday to be!

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