Friday, February 26, 2010


This was too funny not to share!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Green, Strawberries & Tea

My friend took this photo and posted it on their Facebook. Its a mixture of a few of my favorite things; the color green, strawberries & tea. What a pleasantly composed picture!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blackberry, Obama's phone of choice, decides to appeal to a younger, more scene crowd. Blackberry has been known for appealing to the working business man and woman but is now trying to reach a more youthful crowd, maybe in hopes to compete with the i-phone?
After viewing the latest commercial, I was left wondering what the commercial was even for. At the end of the commercial they have their logo with red and yellow logo, which looks so much like the MasterCard logo I had to take a second look.

Was the commercial entertaining? Definitely. Marketing money well spent? Not so much.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oh Me oh My

I spotted this on 'Bright Bold Beautiful'.  I love the perspective.
Artist: Penelope Dullaghan.